A Good Name is Better Than Profit

For a lot of us, there are many things that don’t strike us as importance until we see the need to pay attention. Our name is one of such things.

Whether you believe it or now, your name – your reputation means more than you know, and it is worth protecting.

What is reputation?

Reputation can make or break the best of businesses and as such, it is very important that you are taking every opportunity possible to control the way your business is perceived. In this article, we talk about why the reputation of your business is important and how you can improve it.

In business, success means a lot of things to many people. We have listed four (4) priorities commonly considered when starting, running, and sustaining your entrepreneurial journey.

  1. Finding relevance in the market
  2. Good customer service
  3. Effective marketing
  4. A good reputation.

There’s a saying that when you have integrity, you have all the values – integrity is often considered the foundation on which all other values rest. Well, so does a good reputation. While you are working on 1, 2, 3, make sure 4 naturally guides your decisions, moulds your convictions, and ultimately dictates your actions. We explain how point 4 impacts on the other three…


With a good name, it’s possible to reduce your marketing costs. Making money on a product or service one provides is not success if one’s character is dishonourable. Sales should not come at the expense of your personal brand or your company’s image. Understanding this affects every decision you make, including how you engage your marketing teams, because as you know, marketing typically involves a range of tactics to get positive results. But you must be careful about making your objective(s) “a do or die affair”. You can increase your sales without resorting to pushy marketing techniques or some underhanded tactics to get your way or things could turn around negatively.

Customer Service

With customer service you are guaranteeing your customers that you keep your word because customer service is a promise to deliver value for money. People want to believe who you say you are, is what they experience at every touchpoint in their interactions with you and your company. Consistently doing this helps you attract loyal customers.


Finally, finding relevance in the market demands authenticity. Authenticity is revealed in how you communicate your passion of introducing a solution that differentiates you from your competition. It behoves on your to be true in order for you to promote a good lasting relationship with your customers.

One of the things to always remember is that you are a professional. This means you abide by ethical codes of conduct in every process.

4 benefits of having a positive reputation

  • Increased business opportunities and revenue
  • Brand Distinction
  • Values-centred employees
  • Increase in company value

Whether or not the reputation of your business is good or bad will come down to you and your actions. At the of the day your name tends to be spread around by word of mouth and now also by online review sites and comments on social media. When it comes to people using the internet to search for businesses these days, consumers are very aware of the fact that they are spoilt for choice.

How then can you improve your reputation? Nothing is too late to change. If you are thinking about what you must do to build an excellent reputation, practice these quick tips;

  • Make honesty YOUR policy
  • Be the most transparent
  • Always consider the lives of others in your care before any decision
  • Be legacy driven

Connect with us on our online platforms or have a chat with us in-person at our offices or events. Start your journey with Remita.

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