Conversion optimisation tips

Conversion optimisation tips for small businesses.

As a small business, you want to ensure that you are not leaving money on the table. You also want to ensure that your customers have a great experience with you, which will make them return customers.
Small businesses must strive to gain market share, grow and stand out. To achieve that, attention must be paid to Conversion Rates Optimization (CRO).
CRO refers to increasing the number or percentage of visitors who become paying customers after visiting a website or mobile app.
A struggling startup before conversion optimisation.
Before conversion optimisation

Conversion optimisation tips

Here are five conversion optimisation tips to help you stay in business and keep your customers returning:
  • User-friendly platform
A user-friendly platform is the first step towards conversion optimisation. Your website or mobile app must be responsive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. Users must have a seamless experience across all types of devices and screen sizes.
Simplicity is king, so make navigation as simple as possible and enable your users to access what they need quickly.
Accessibility is an integral part of having a user-friendly platform. Your platform must be accessible to everyone, and you should prioritise readability and ease.
  • Optimise for speed
Loading delays or general lagging are surefire ways to lose customers. Research shows that even a one-second delay in page load time can result in a significant drop in conversions. Therefore, it is very important for your platforms to be as fast as possible.
A couple of ways to achieve this include:
    • Optimising your multimedia files to reduce file size without reducing file quality.
    • Implement browser caching to reduce load time for returning visitors/customers.
    • Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to aid the distribution of your content globally. This ensures faster loading times for users regardless of their location.
  • Work with data
Data is your best friend as a business. It offers valuable insights to all types of businesses, including small businesses. By studying the data, you can understand your customers’ needs, user behaviour, and more. Data tells you what products or services are doing well and shows you which regions to intensify marketing efforts in.
Integrating web analytics tools like Google Analytics will enable you to identify patterns, trends, opportunities for optimisation, and what is working and what isn’t. It can even show you underperforming pages or points at which your customers tend to drop off in the shopping process.
  • Stay consistent
Consistency is required for customers to trust you and even refer others to you. It breeds trust and familiarity. Consistency is required at all touchpoints—the website, mobile app, social media, marketing, communications, and experience.
Your branding and messaging must remain consistent across all platforms in tone and messaging. Your customers must know what to expect when interacting with your business. This means that their experience with you must also remain consistent.
  • Check-out process
The goal of a business is to make money and stay profitable. This is only possible with proper measures in place to accept payment. As a business, one of the most important decisions you will make is how you accept payments.
Payment acceptance can make or mar your conversion rates. If a seamless payment process is not set up, customers will not only find it difficult to make payments but also find a competitor with a better payment system.
Here are some things to take note of when deciding on a payment system:
    • Seamless check-out process: Ensure you choose a user-friendly payment system that makes check-out as seamless as possible so your customers do not encounter any blockers while making payments.
    • Secure payment processing: Choose a payment system that protects your customer’s data, thus protecting you from liabilities, lawsuits, or any issues that may come up.
    • Payment gateways: Use payment gateways to offer your customers various payment options. This enables you to cater to a broad and diverse range of people, thus effectively increasing business revenue.
Remita offers elite payment services to businesses of all kinds. Whether you want to integrate different payment methods or a single/particular payment method, Remita has you covered! Visit the Remita website or API documentation to learn how we can make accepting payments easy for you and your business.
Booming business after conversion optimisiation
Booming business after conversion optimisiation

Benefits of conversion optimisation

  • Increased revenue
A clear benefit of conversion optimisation is the revenue boost it provides. As more visitors/leads turn into paying customers, sales increase, directly impacting revenue positively. 
  • Competitive advantage
Conversion optimisation can be a significant tool for gaining an edge over competitors. Businesses with conversion-optimised websites ultimately increase their market share.
  • Improved customer experience
Primary conversion optimisation techniques like those we have discussed heavily focus on the customers, how to make things easier for them, and how to give them the best experience. A conversion-optimised business will undoubtedly have satisfied and loyal customers due to improved customer experience.
  • Referrals
Referrals are essential to every business. However, they do not typically come randomly. Customers refer others because they have received satisfactory service in all areas. A conversion-optimised business quickly gets referrals as customers enjoy the best service! 


Running a business can be a lot. However, it is all worth it when the business returns revenue and makes profits. We have explored some tips to increase conversion rates for businesses. We have covered some tips to build a user-friendly platform, optimise for speed, work with data, stay consistent, and integrate a seamless payment system.
Read more about various payment methods for your business, and visit our website to get started!
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