From Onboarding Specialist to Business Manager: A Sneak Peek At Omolara’s Career & Life Off-Screen

  1. What’s your career story? Spill the tea!

My career journey has been a thrilling adventure of learning and growth. I started off as a Customer Service Executive at Christabella Nigeria Limited, where I honed my skills in communication and problem-solving for two years. Then I switched to the banking sector, working at the old Diamond Bank for another two years, gaining valuable insights into the financial industry.

In 2015, I joined Remita, as part of the Bank Partnership Team. There, I discovered my passion for technical onboarding and created a new team to handle it. I was responsible for bringing new customers on board and reactivating dormant ones. This September, I took up a new challenge and moved to the FGN TSA (Federal Government Treasury Single Account) team, where I’m responsible for Relationship management and new business projects in the South, of Nigeria.

2. What do you do at Remita and how did you land the gig?

I managed the Federal Government’s business operations in the southern region of Nigeria. I had a chat with my Managing director about the opportunity to add value to the FGN TSA team. Once approved, I immediately took the offer.

3. Wow! You’re so smart. So what are two things that make you jump for joy?

    That would be receiving positive recommendations and feedback from both my clients and colleagues — It gives me a sense of satisfaction. Another thing that brings me immense joy is spending time with my family. Hearing my child’s tiny voice say “I love you, Mommy” makes me feel like I’m on top of the world.

    4. Awww…that’s sweet! What’s been your proudest moment working in a fintech, like Remita?

    I have many proud moments, and one unforgettable memory is when I met Ademola Popoola at a politician’s party. Despite being strangers, we struck up a conversation. When we exchanged numbers, he noticed my name on his phone as “Lara Oshodi Remita” and recalled that I had assisted him with a payment issue in the past. He expressed his gratitude once more for my swift and professional service.

    5. That must have been a great feeling. So we heard you made a career switch – what’s that all about and how did it feel?

      Yes Yes Yes, I did make a career switch recently. I used to lead the Onboarding team, but I realized that I wanted to pursue something more creative and expressive. So, I decided to move to the FGN TSA department. It was a scary yet exciting choice, but I’m glad that I took that step.

      I enjoy the flexibility and freedom that comes with being a Business Development Manager. I can work from anywhere, visit my customers, and get involved in their integration projects. It feels great to do what I love.

        6. In-person meetings or virtual meetings – which do you prefer?

        Ha! I prefer In-person meetings because they are more engaging and interactive. You can see the body language and facial expressions of the participants. It also allows me to build rapport and trust with them easily.

          7. I’m not surprised because you’re great with people. What about a quiet workspace or collaborative workspace – what’s your pick?

          Collaborative workspace because, for me, it is more stimulating and fun. It allows me to interact and communicate with my colleagues, share ideas, and solve problems together.

          8. Would you rather eat only amala or rice for a month?

          Tough choice, we know! Rice all the way “LOL”

          9. Oops, I guessed wrong! Let’s get back to work questions. What do you think about Remita’s vision and its impact on Nigerian fintech?

          Remita’s vision is to help people and businesses pay and get paid easily. I think this is a big and important vision, as it makes payments better for all Nigerians. Remita’s vision also aligns with the Nigerian fintech sector’s goal of increasing people’s access to financial services and driving growth in the country.

            We’ve been a leader and innovator in the Nigerian fintech space, offering payment solutions for different sectors. We’ve played a major role in helping the Federal Government of Nigeria run the Treasury Single Account (TSA) project, which has improved transparency in public money management.

            Overall, Remita’s vision and impact on the Nigerian fintech industry are praiseworthy.

              10. As an onboarding specialist, what’s one misconception people have about your role and the Remita brand?

              People think I only deal with technical issues and not with customer satisfaction. While some think that my job is to just set up the corporate and fix any errors that may arise. However, this is not all.

                My role is also to ensure that the customers have a smooth and pleasant experience with Remita and that they are happy with the service. I do this by understanding their needs and expectations, providing them with guidance and support, and collecting their feedback and suggestions. I also build a long-term relationship with them and make them feel valued and appreciated.

                A common misconception people have about the Remita brand is that it’s only for big businesses and government agencies and not for small businesses and individuals. While others think that Remita is too complex or expensive and they won’t benefit from its features.

                However, this isn’t true. Remita is designed to cater to all types of customers, regardless of their size, sector, or budget. Remita offers various payment solutions, such as payments, collections, payroll management, and more.

                Remita aims to make everyday payment easy and convenient for everyone.

                  11. If you weren’t doing this, what other career path would you be on?

                  That’s an interesting question. I think if I weren’t doing this, I would probably be a caregiver. A caregiver is someone who provides assistance and support to people who are elderly, disabled, ill, or injured. With various tasks, like helping with personal hygiene, preparing meals, administering medication, and providing companionship in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.

                  I think being a caregiver would be a rewarding and meaningful career path for me, as I enjoy helping others and making a positive difference in their lives. I also have some qualities that would make me a good caregiver, such as empathy, patience, communication, and problem-solving. I believe being a caregiver would also challenge me to learn new things and grow as a person.

                  12. Well, I think you’d be great at it! So what are your hobbies? We want to know the fun side of you!

                  I like to do many things for fun, but one of my favorite hobbies is being a cat lover. LOL. I adore cats and enjoy spending time with them. I have a cat of my own, named Ruby, I love playing with her and watching her do funny things.

                  I also like to read books and articles about cats, watch videos and shows about cats, and visit websites and blogs about cats. I enjoy seeing pictures and drawings of cats, and sometimes I try to create my own.

                  Here’s of the graphics I design on cats.

                      I can go on and on and on about cats. It’s a hobby that brings me joy and relaxation. It also helps me connect with other people who share the same passion for cats. I think cats are amazing animals and they deserve all the love in the world.

                      13. That’s very Interesting! Where’s your happy or safe space? Spill the beans!

                      My happy and safe place is being with Mr. Ogunsola and Desiree. Yes, that’s my husband and my little one. I forget all my worries when I am with them, when playing games, watching movies, going for walks, or just talking.

                      14. Any other side of you people don’t know of?

                      You can call me “Happy Go Lucky“. I feel sad when I see animals being hurt. However, I don’t stay sad or upset for long. I quickly bounce back to my happy self. I avoid people who try to fool me or take advantage of me.

                      I’m also a very compassionate person, and I have a lot of love to give.

                        15. That’s Lovely! Before you go, drop a word of wisdom in our secret box. Shhh…

                        “Always trust God, He has the best plan for you” and “Love always makes the world go round.”

                        Can you relate to Lara’s life? See more of her and connect with her HERE

                        HER BIO:

                          Lara is a hard-working and amiable individual who exudes positivity wherever she goes. Her dedication to helping others shines through in all her endeavours, and her empathy towards people stands out as one of her most admirable qualities. 

                          She is also a passionate animal advocate, actively supporting various causes and campaigns to safeguard the rights and well-being of animals. 

                          And did we mention that Lara’s favourite colour is all shades of green? It’s just one more thing that makes her unique and interesting.

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