monolithics vs microservices

Microservices vs Monoliths for Fintech Development


    In fintech, software architecture is essential in ensuring the resilience, scalability, and agility required to meet the demands of the financial landscape. Most companies today are using one of the two prominent architectural styles:

    • Microservices
    • Monoliths

    These two architectural styles have emerged as the frontrunners in shaping the fintech domain. As expected, they offer distinct advantages and challenges. Therefore, selecting the most suitable approach for a particular fintech project requires careful consideration and evaluation.


    Fintech applications, characterized by their complexity and criticality, demand robust architectural foundations capable of adapting to evolving business requirements and market trends. A well-chosen architectural style can significantly impact a fintech application’s development, deployment, maintenance, and overall success.

    Microservice Architecture

    Microservices architecture, a more recent paradigm, advocates for decomposing a monolithic application into a collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service is responsible for a specific business function, communicating with other services through well-defined medium called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This approach offers several benefits for fintech development, including enhanced agility, improved scalability, and simplified maintainability.

    Microservices theme image

    Microservices architecture embodies several key characteristics that distinguish it from monolithic architecture:

    (i) Decomposition into Independent Services:

    Microservices break down a monolithic application into smaller, self-contained services, each responsible for a distinct business function. This granularity promotes modularity, allowing developers to work independently on individual services and enhances overall maintainability.

    (ii) Loose Coupling and High Cohesion:

    Microservices are designed with loose coupling, meaning that they interact with each other through well-defined APIs and message queues, reducing dependencies and enabling independent development and deployment. High cohesion, conversely, ensures that each service performs a specific and well-defined task, promoting code reusability and reducing complexity.

    (iii) Communication through Well-defined APIs:

    Microservices communicate with each other through well-defined APIs, which act as intermediaries, enabling loosely coupled interactions without direct knowledge of underlying implementations. This approach promotes flexibility and facilitates the replacement of individual services without disrupting the overall application.

    Advantages of Microservices Architecture

    • Scalability: Individual services can be scaled independently based on demand, leading to better a more efficient performance.
    • Flexibility: Since each service can be developed, deployed and updated independently of other services, this allows for flexibility across the board.

    Disadvantages of Microservices Architecture

    • Difficult to run locally: Microservices typically need other services to be running to perform some tasks, so you will need to have these other services running together locally on different ports.
    • Harder to debug: Tons of services are involved, so debugging takes more time and effort as you may not be able to pinpoint the exact bug with ease.
    • Increases complexity: This architecture is quite complex as it involves multiple APIs, multiple services, and multiple databases. It is very important to have a good monitoring system set up when using this architecture.

    Monolithic Architecture

    Monolithic architecture represents the traditional approach, where the entire application is built as a single integrated unit. While simpler to manage, this architecture can become cumbersome as the application grows in complexity, leading to reduced agility, potential scalability bottlenecks, and increased maintenance challenges.

    Monolithic architecture theme image

    Key characteristics of monolithic architecture:

    • A single integrated application: All components, from user interfaces to business logic, reside within a single codebase, simplifying development and deployment.
    • Tightly coupled components: Components in a monolith are tightly coupled, meaning that they are highly dependent on each other and modifications to one component can have ripple effects throughout the application.
    • Communication through a shared codebase: Components in a monolith communicate directly through the shared codebase, making it more challenging to isolate changes and introduce new features without affecting other parts of the application.

    Advantages of Monolithic Architecture

    • Simplicity: With monolithic architecture, things are generally simpler and easier than microservices because it is simpler to develop, deploy and manage.
    • Development speed: For smaller projects, monolithic architecture can lead to faster development as developers focus mainly on building features.
    • Easy to debug: Monolithic architectures are easier to debug and test as developers have full visibility of the system.

    Disadvantages of Monolithic Architecture

    • Reduced Agility and Slower Development: In monolithic architecture, changes to one component often ripple through the entire application, leading to slower development cycles and increased complexity. This can hinder the responsiveness required in the dynamic fintech landscape.
    • Potential Scalability Bottlenecks: Monolithic architectures may struggle to handle large-scale deployments due to their tightly coupled nature. Scaling the entire application becomes a challenge, potentially leading to performance bottlenecks and operational inefficiencies.
    • Increased Complexity and Maintenance Challenges: The monolithic structure can become increasingly complex as the application grows, making it difficult to maintain and debug. This complexity can hinder the ability to adapt to changing requirements and introduce security vulnerabilities.

    Microservices vs Monolithics table

    DeploymentEasier to deploy and update individual services.Deployment process for the entire application can be complex.
    TestingMicroservices architecture are easier to test individual services.Testing involves the entire application.
    ScalabilityThis architecture enables independent scaling of individual services.The entire application will be involved in scaling.

    Factors to consider when choosing an architectural style

    • Application complexity: Microservices are well-suited for complex applications with evolving requirements, as they facilitate independent development, deployment, and scaling of individual services. Monolithic architecture may be preferred for simpler applications with less dynamic requirements.
    • Development team size and expertise: Microservices require a larger, more experienced development team with expertise in distributed systems and API development. Monolithic architecture may be more suitable for smaller teams with limited expertise in microservices practices.
    • Business requirements and agility needs: Microservices excel in environments where agility is paramount, allowing for rapid development, deployment, and adaptation to changing business needs. Monolithic architecture may suit businesses with more stable requirements and lower agility demands.

    Use Cases

    Here are some use cases for the microservices architecture:

    • Complex, evolving applications: Microservices architecture provides the agility and scalability needed to manage complex fintech applications with dynamic requirements.
      • Small, early-stage projects: Monolithic architecture may be a suitable choice for small, early-stage projects where simplicity and faster development cycles are prioritized.
        • High-volume, transaction-based systems: Microservices architecture is well-suited for handling high-volume, transaction-based systems, enabling independent scaling of individual services without affecting them.


        In conclusion, both microservices and monolithic architectures offer distinct advantages tailored to specific use cases within fintech development. It is not a straightforward matter of one being superior to the other; rather, the choice between them should be informed by the unique requirements and stage of each organization or startup. For smaller, early-stage projects, a monolithic approach may offer simplicity and ease of management, making it the preferable option. Conversely, for larger, more complex endeavours, the scalability and flexibility of microservices architecture can provide significant benefits.

        As you navigate these crucial decisions, consider leveraging the expertise and robust solutions Remita offers. Whether you are just starting out or looking to scale complex financial services, Remita’s platform can provide the support and infrastructure necessary to align with your architectural approach. We encourage you to explore how Remita can enhance your fintech development strategy, helping you make the most informed choice between microservices and monoliths based on your specific needs.

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